Thursday, June 4, 2009

My Computer Is Slow

If your computer has gradually slowed down in operation over a period of time one reason is probably an overload of programs on your hard drive.

We all tend to download a lot of stuff from the internet whether it be forbusiness or just for entertainment. Some programs are pretty big these days.Since the advent of 300 and 400 Gigabyte hard drives or even bigger many programmers have gone wild with the size of programs. It is quite common to see programs which take up 50 megabytyes and often a lot more.Twenty such programs will take up a gigabyte or more of space on your hard disc.

Few of us will limit ourselves to just twenty programs. Besides that you have all the usual applications using hard drive space. Email,photos and pictures,audio and biggest space hog of all--videos. Even a pretty big hard drive can over a year or two become pretty near fully loaded. You will then run into problems with slow operation of your machine.

The cure is pretty simple of course--just uninstall a lot of stuff you are not using. We all have programs we downloaded because they seemed really good at the time. A year later they are still unused or almost never used. Get rid of them. You can always store some of them on flash drives or external hard drives if you really must. Just get them off your hard drive and free up gigabytes of space. This alone will speed up computer operation noticeably. You can also check out my website where you will find tons of information about fixing slow running computer. :Fix My Slow Computer

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